Tuesday, October 16, 2012

BW Animation Package v1.04 Final

http://snappzmarkets.blogspot.com/:roid 1.5+

http://snappzmarkets.blogspot.com/:*ADDON* packageautiful Widgets, which contains wear animations.

Downloadlyyou have purchasedautiful Widgetsroid Market.

This*ADDON* packageautiful Widgets, which contains wear animations.

Downloadlyyou have purchasedautiful Widgetsroid Market.

Withoutautiful Widgets, applicationeshing!

Searchautiful Widgets marketyou want details.


You move addon SDyouroid version allow.


Description whatautiful Widgets:

See whystroid widgetsly choice thousands users!

Beautiful set Widgets containing clocks widgets, wear widgets, date widgetsggle widgets skins/mes support!w widgets layouts!

Nowveryautiful HoneyComb skin SuperClock widget!

-w unique amazing High Definition Super Clock widgets availablesizeslayouts. High quality rendering resizable loss quality!

- Display eir wear, battery icon (both skinnables) justclock widget.

- 4 days Wearecast based Google wear Accuwear, Geolocation support, automatic sunset/sunrise, also available wearly widget.

- than 15 nice Wear Animations (rain, storm,)r pleasure when tapping wear icon widgets.

- Niceggle widgets Wifi, Bluetooth, Mobile, Brightness, GPS (shortcut), Silent, Vibrate, Plane Mode, 4G, Rotate, Pattern (below roid 2.2)Timed Silence!

- than 400+ FREE Skins/mes changes look feel clock, wear iconsggle buttons ! Impressr friendsr fancy widget!

- Amazing Wear Live Wallpaper OpenGL accelerated (fsupported sly) which allow display wear liver wallpaper,effects, physicsteractions!

- Auto-refresh wear widgets whenr phone unlocked

- Define applications launch when tapping hours, dateecast details widgets access important applications very easybeautiful widgets.

-troducingautifulday widget which display date using same look SuperClock

- Temperature displayedrification bar, access wearecast.w Gingerbread look & feelyou roid 2.3!

-optionsder creater own experience!


- SuperClock widget wear, battery just clock 4x2 4x1 2x1

- Wearly widget 4x1 1x1

- Date widget 2x1 1x1

-ggles widgets 1x1

- Home widgets clock wear 300 skins 4x1 2x1

- come ;-)

What's version:

Support lite versionautiful Widgets


<input type="button" value="">


