Tuesday, October 16, 2012

EpicHearts Plus v1.0 (1.0) Android Apk Game

EpicHearts Plus v1.0

http://snappzmarkets.blogspot.com/: 2.1+

Overview: Becomeapprentice chargedmost ancient sacred responsibility—one which alsoextraordinary adventure. Only those truly devotedir cause experience magic Renobatio: thousand year ritual which ensures thatng Dragonkind reach maturity. Disciplined, dedicated, fearless, battle-ready;worthy apprentice mustofse things. Whery choose path gunslinger, swordsman, paladin,ree or characteristicysh— important all—Epic Hearts.

Epic Heartsone-of-a-kind RPG. Worlds wait explored chosen apprentice faces enemies dragonkind armedir unique skills unflagging devotion ritual Renobatio. To ensure thatir magical charge safe, paladins, gunslingers, swordsmen alike developzens skills, have opportunity complete hundreds quests, explore world after worldautifully realized action-filled universe.

Exceptional Content…

-Detailed, evocative environments constantly delightful backdrop huge adventure.

-Character design heart—whichever three apprentices players chooseautifully illustrated possessesunique personality perspective.

-Quests crafted enhance player’s explorationse magical worlds, unique goals that progress Epic Hearts storyline.

-The Epic Hearts narrative captivatings action-filled gameplay. Apprentices must proveir deadly skill against enemies honorable combat again again—always remembering great purpose thaty haveen chosen fulfill.

…And Hours Gameplay

–A choice three character types, each prepd live dieheroir cause. Players may choose gunslinger, paladin, swordsmanir character; each character type experiences Renobatiobit differently.

–Eight vast worlds must made safe ensure that apprentice succeeds—eachir own uniquemes, environments, mysteries, allies, opponents explore.

–240 quests lead apprenticeward upwardwards fulfillment millennial ritual.

–Sixty skills demand apprentice’s attention, each providingedge battle good.

–Dungeonsminate thousands specialems, gear, gear sets give Epic Hearts players even ways live adventures fullest.




Downloadstructions: use Lucky Patcher Auto mode!(inverse)

