Year 2022:ciety truly changed during last decade. good old times have vanished. Discover unusual hilarious graphic adventurespiredchildhoods point-and-click classic adventure games
Great Fusionthird person graphic adventure set year 2022. Rich people richer popeople even poorer. Laws absurd,right crusaders prosecute free culture large corporations managedcompetents. thats science fiction, righ?
Entertaining story hilarious dialogs
Current affairs remarksdscial criticism
Hand-drawn artwork
Optimiseduch s
Multilanguage : English, Spanish, French,alian. (German comingon)
Max,young brilliant programmer, fallto poverty fight makeliving trying avoid falling own ignorance, experiencing thousands crazy situations, amidst countlessds classic graphic adventures films pop culture.
As whole world apped unified, borders were created separate rich a poone. age unification come, what known " Great Fusion". Putr anti-hero cape fight whatsrs Maxs help unusual hilarious adventure.
This science fiction adventure real lifeself.adventure that mergesst classic graphic adventure games fun look feel current comics. Hilarious dialogs, videos kittens, Quentin, Woody, robots, securityficers shorts,ladyrat-dogmore characters who crossr path. Runr lives!
Tired-person shooters?
Weknow zombies cool, killingm even cooler. creators " Great Fusion" a bunch 28 year-old guys robes- wanted makedifferent game, which could recaptureof those good old times classics genre. Those witty conversations which helplving continuous puzzles popping up at every turn...
Itunique unforgettable experience which rly found gamesday.priority alwaysen makealternative gameintuitiveterface which would allow us enter Maxs world. We wont have great heroes, we save take over World,we recreatee potential futuressociety unfortunately heading.
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Makemeice: tellr friends anyone think mighterested Great Fusion.
Use sh buttonscial mediayou feel like.
A few sincere words: we always trying improve. We delighted receiver opinions we takemto account future projects.
What's version : (Updated : Dec 30, 2012)
Improved performance slow s
Correctionsme translations
Fixed several bugs
Requiredroid O/S : 2.2+
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