2.2 up want Rune Master?
Rune Master Puzzlegroundbreaking brain teaser that have never experiencedfore. need passseries stages proverselfcomeRune Master. puzzle challenge everypectr brain ways that have never imagedfore.
None ever EVER - successfullycome Rune Master. Rune Master Puzzle challenger brain. want Rune Master who cledstages? Come, takechallenge.
● rules simple
Move stones align same colof stones 4line, crushm.
● enjoy thrilling winning matches, tuples, combos.
● Honer tactical skills planningecasting movement.
● spice up puzzleem deployment.
● puzzle optimized iOSuch screens.
● Leader board supported.
Your mission match same colRune Stone 4line advance next levelfore Spirit runs out.
● swapstone any eight neighboring stones.
● move stones long Spirit remains
● regain Sprit various ways during game.
● Move stones align same colof Rune Stones 4horizontal, vertical, diagonal line.
● experienceTuple when four stones aligned crushedline.Matchset same colof Rune Stones 4.Double earned when crush two sets matchese swap. seeTriple when make three sets matches.
●Tuple, gain pointscrease Spirit.
● Rune Stones above crushed stones movewnward fill empty spaces,y trigger Combos. gain various bonuses Combos.
You earn Spirit matching SpritStones whose Rune characters luminescent.
You get bonus when make Tuplesuble, Triple, Quadruple,.
You get extra bonus when make Tuplespart Combo.
You needTuples Combos successfullycome Rune Master.
What's version:
- Gem.
- Stage Clear Bonus
- XXI, XXII mode
- Game Level
- Balancing easy modermal mode.
- Bug fixed
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