Earth Defense Force 2017 Mobile 1.0
Android 2.1
The Earth Defense Forcethat stands mantween thousands gigantic bugs, spaceships, end worldrealistic urban sprawl thatomedtal destruction.
This game no advertisements
Thisraw, unmodified apk I pulled my Docomo Lynx 3Droid phone.
To my knowledge game never released sale Google Play storely available pre-installed r phone whichly released Japan (about 3 years ago).
Itextremely r game near impossible find anyfo about. However plays just like Xbox 360 versionly basic graphics.
Herevideomeone playing. Japanese videoreoption menu full English menus -
I have triedstalling my Galaxyte 2it refusedstall. may need crackedthatond my capabilities.
If anyone get working, crack worksn let me know I update post new links/info.**
Android 2.1
The Earth Defense Forcethat stands mantween thousands gigantic bugs, spaceships, end worldrealistic urban sprawl thatomedtal destruction.
This game no advertisements
Thisraw, unmodified apk I pulled my Docomo Lynx 3Droid phone.
To my knowledge game never released sale Google Play storely available pre-installed r phone whichly released Japan (about 3 years ago).
Itextremely r game near impossible find anyfo about. However plays just like Xbox 360 versionly basic graphics.
Herevideomeone playing. Japanese videoreoption menu full English menus -
I have triedstalling my Galaxyte 2it refusedstall. may need crackedthatond my capabilities.
If anyone get working, crack worksn let me know I update post new links/info.**