2.2 up Quality over quantity - that's motto icon pack. Modern roid icons pack containsP quality iconsbest launchers available google play.
tired buying icons that ly nice screenshotsin reality those screens showly fewst icons pack? Tired hundreds useless icons that repeat countlessly poquality?
This right pack! Modernroid Icons containslyp-notch icons prepd scratch providest quality.
Application testedlaunchers likeVA, APEX, ADW, Holo, Pro launcher.
Modern roid Icons replacedefaultroid iconsme popular apps google play store, pleasee that icon pack still growing updates providedweekly basis.
We needr support make packtter! Please shr opinion us.
*p quality icons anyroid
* HD resolution (even xhdpi)
*st launchers supportcluding ADW,VA, APEX, Holo, x pro
* Icon packten updated
* We open at any requests ideas
What's version:
Update 1.5:
!- Added xxhdpi resolution (highest possible) = Full HD screens support (now's fully available newest s like galaxy s4)
!- Majcode changes, auto icons swap fix
Added icons:
- IMDb
- Google play videos
- Google music
- line
- sim
- ADW icons
Update 1.45
Majfixes added icons:
+cial hub
+ chaton
+ allsh
+ google settings
+ ebay
+ verge