2.0.1 up Quickly launch apps, call friends,ggle settings, add calendar events
1Tap Quick Barstification customization approid. helps common tasksshorter time, change Wifi settings, callr wife, addevent, launchfavorite game just 1-click. alsofersway createbeautifulification bar.
** New version supports widgetton customization shortcut. Long press home screen addnewe **
How 1tap Quick Bar works?
You add tasktoification bar quickly kickf 1tap. supports over 60 built-in tasks,cluding
☆ Direct dial
☆ Direct message,
☆ 1-tap direct web page launcher,
☆ Application shortcut
☆ Application launcher
☆ Direct email label
☆ New event, new message
☆ Hidden system activities
☆ 3rd tasks: ram booster
☆ Media control
A quick bar appearance twistedways, background, icon set, text color, status icon,,. makeautifulification bar.
How work 1tap Quick Bar?
A quick barspecialification that staysification a. composes up 6 actions fully customizes colors, text, background. Actions categorizedto 5 main groups:
☆ Setting: quicklygglesetting launch useful setting shortcut (upto 50 types).
☆ Application: launch chosen application.
☆ Shortcut: launch shortcut supplied or applications
☆ Contact: makecall, sendsms email chosen contact
☆ Misc: several built-in commands, hidden activities
re several special actions that help discover hidden applicationsr s, Application's shortcut, last call, batteryfo,,.
design tab helps customize any partquick bar.
What's version:
V 1.1.3
- Changed "Hideification text" option default
Unlimited version, Unlimitedems per bar
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