Monday, October 29, 2012

Sense Flip Clock & Weather v0.54

Sense Flip Clock & Wear v0.54 1.6+ customizable digital clock wearecast animating widget

A full featured, fully customizable digital clock wearecast widget

widget features following:

- 3 widget sizes, 4x1, 4x2 5x2 (fGalaxye)

- Flip animation

- 12 skins choose

- 5 wear icon skins

- Portrait landscape mode

- 12 24 hour clock date

- Display current week number

- Current location (city, country) taken automatically cell/wifi GPS, specified user

- Wear conditions current location (condition temperature, low high temperatures wear icon)

- Detailed wearecast displaycluding following:

- Local time

- Sunrise sunset time current location

- Humidity wind conditions

- Current condition, temperature low high temperatures

- Current condition icon

- Last wear update time

- 4 day wearecast

- World wear: Choose display wearformation any number different locations worldwide. Just selectr favorite locations immediately have updated wear timeformation.

- Refresh location wear tapping widget

- Launch up four different applications tapping different widget hotspots (everything user defined)

widget fully customized following options:

- Choose widget wear icon skins

- Choose text colf am/pmdicator, date, location, current wear condition, current temperature hi/lo temperatures

- Display 12 24 hour time optional AM/PMdicat(if 12 hourmat)

-ep every hour (optional)

- Select date displaymat

- Displaymanually selected location's timestead phone's time

- Use current location display wearfo specify any location want

- Get location updates network (cell/WiFi)r GPS

- Display temperature values Celsius Fahrenheit

- Optionally display next alarm

- Select automatic wear refresh period (15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1, 2, 3, 4 6 hours)

- Enterr favorite world locations watch local times (including sunset sunrize), current wear conditions wearecastformation

- Update wear WiFi/GPRS

- Choose wher want updateroaming

- Playificationunds location wear changes updates

- Select what application launch when tapping hours

- Launch applications tapping weekday month

- Optionally display battery level

- Specify how receive location updates (howten how much distance)

- Select alternate wearecast service


-widget,application.stall please refer help display when alsolinkvideo that shows howstall.

-you usingtask killer exclude widget

What's version:

- [new] Added option select custom action location click

- [chg] Russian language corrections (thanks Alex)


<input type="button" value="">

