Overview: WiFi Overview 360 Pro – universal WiFiol,cl. Widgets
http://snappzmarkets.blogspot.com/: Android OS 2.1 up
The universal WiFiol
Nowpowerful “WiFi Sniffer”, who expanded Android function enormously. “WiFi Sniffer” looking open WLANs, givesnotification (sound, pop-up text window, vibrate text-to-speech – if want) connect automatically.
Withol manage optimizer used wireless networke look’ll get detailedformation WLANs (WLAN name (SSID), signal strength, channelnumber, encryptionin – open much)r environment.
The tab “Ch check” (channel checker) “Ch. radar” (channel radar) powerfulol optimizer own wlan network. Fbest performancer network must usechannel frequency range where no or wireless networks little possible. WiFi Overview 360 givesst choice channel.
Main features :
- NEW: WiFi Sniffer – powerful open network finder
- “Quick connect shortcut”, setshortcut switch/connect quick easytween/to wlans
- WLAN scanner
- NEW: change WLAN priority manually
- WLANrting options “strength”, “alphabetically” NEW “open/known WLANs”
- NEW: automatic WiFi activation at startup – iff, automatic turn-off at end
- manual way addnetwork
- NEW: endless list known WLANs
- detailed wlanformation
- graphical representationwireless networks operating range
- channel checkerst channel choice
-cluded 1×1, 2×1 4×1 widgets 3 different styles
- Android 4.x support
- Tablet support
- WLANternet connection check
- much …
What’s New WiFi Overview 360 Pro version:
Version 1.52.1:
- fixme urgent bugs
Version 1.51.5:
- fixme bugs under Android 4.1.1 (Jelly Bean)
Version 1.50.5:
- new WiFi Sniffer – powerful open network finder
- change WLAN priority manually
- automatic WiFi activation at startup – iff
- newrting options
- add WLANs manually
- endless list known WLANs (previously limited 32)
- new, lower button bar
- small design changes
- code optimizations
Version 1.10.3:
- urgent small bug fixes
Download WiFi Overview 360 Pro 1.52.1 (Android)