1.6+ Images float acrossr screen Picasa, Flickr, Facebookr phone.
Images float acrossr screen Picasa, Flickr, Facebookr phone.
Animated 3D OpenGL image gallery, Live Wallpaper Photo Frame. Supports Flickr, Phone, Picasa, 500px, Photobucket, rss Facebook. Also, multitouch.
Images flowingr screensteady stream.
Some people really happy. Giveshot!
Try pressing "Menu". Lots exciting stuffhind that button!
Live wallpaper uses want use less battery,re couple things:
* Disable shadows.
* Use framerate limiter (it's menumewhere)
* Use local imagesly.
* Decrease floating speed.
*g me optimize. probably won't help,you feel like have contributed!
This applicationnot readr sms/mms's! also means that applicationnot show imagesr texts. design, changed, makesr fellow users sad.
Whats New:
* Bug where selecting image live wallpaper would completely stop floating images resolved.
* New option: Pause floating images when selecting image.
* selectsubfoldersw lets deselect thosen't want.
* Subfolders called "thumbnail" "thumbnails" w ignored (Let me knowthisissue).
<input type="button" value="">