1.5 up SystemPaneltegratestask manager, app manager (installer/uninstaller multi-version APK archival), system monitor.
Solver battery life problem enabling background monitoring service record long-term CPU usagedividual apps.
SystemPanelcludes following features:
Task Manager: task manager shows what applications currently loadedto memory/running,cluding current CPU memory utilization each. task manager provides ability killfending applications,cludesemergency "end all" widget handle extreme scenarios.
System Monitor: system monitcan enabled record usage tory overperiod time (upe week), that determine what applications usage patterns have greatest impact battery life. feature commonly used help trackwn which applications having majnegative effects battery life. system monitrecords CPU usage each process, overall CPU usage, display usage, battery level, battery charging status.
Installer:staller enablesstall uninstall applications quickly conveniently. archive multiple versions applications, that backupr apps foreupdate revert back older versions afterward. useful uncommon event updatedem buggy orwise undesirable. Additionally,staller designed work much efficiently than standardroid application manager,es suffer frustrating lagsues found defaultroidem when browsing throughlarge numberstalled apps.
formation: formation screens show detailed formation aboutrroid ,cluding storage, capabilities, network state, OS buildformation.
-- Frequentlyked Questions --
Whyes require ______ permission?
- SystemPaneles requirefair number permissions der able performofs duties. productES send ANYformationr overternet ANYONE. requires "Internet access" "telephony/read phone state" permissions ly monitand display 's network connectivity state. full description why each permission required found SystemPanel FAQweb site.
Does SystemPanel consume battery?
-ly component SystemPanel which runs background "System Monitor" feature. feature must enabled user (by default, SystemPanel runshing background). When enabled, System Monit feature record data about which applications consuming battery every 15 minutes.told, feature use approximately e minute CPU / battery time per day operation. When feature enabled, SystemPanel run background any capacity.
Does SystemPanel automatically kill tasks background?
-, SystemPanelautomatic task killer.en well-established (byroidcumentation direct communication roid engineers) that randomly periodically terminating arbitrary tasksterest saving memory yieldnefit performance battery life.lynefit see automatic task killerit happens terminate misbehaving apps. SystemPanel providesbetterlution problem showing which apps consuming CPU background (over time) "System Monitor" feature.n recommended that applications reconfigured uninstalled (perhaps corrected filingbugfending application's author).
What's version:
Userterface stic improvements.
Support Samsung Multiwindow.
Support viewing System applicationsstaller.