Bloons TD 5
Cate: Games
Price: $2.99
Size: 96.6 MB
Five-starwer defense unrivaled depth replayability. Check out huge holiday content update -'sbig mystery package ready unwrap!
Bloons back timey mean business! Build awesomewers, chooser favorite upgrades, hirenew Special Agents, pop every lastvading Bloonst ever version popularwer defense seriestory.
Featuringall Newwer Special Agent, glorious retina graphics optimized iPhone 5,iginal Tracks Special Missions,whole new tier Specialty Building upgrades,never-before-seen Monkey Lab upgraderwers, Bloons TD 5 delivers hours fun challenging play fans new players alike.
Nations need bracemselvescomplete loss productivity
- Jayisgames, 4.7/5.0
More Awesomer New Features:
-brand newwer Heli Pilot
- Exclusive new Special Agent Radadactyl
-new Monkey Lab researches unique abilitieswer upgrades
- Specialty Building Tier 4 Upgrades
- Exclusive tracks
Hours Hours Awesome Gameplay:
- 19 powerfulwers Activated Abilities 2 upgrade paths
- 10 Special Agents
- 30 Tracks
- 10 Special Missions
- 250+ Random Missions
- New Bloon enemies -ugher Camos, Regrower Bloons, fearsome ZOMG
- 50+ Game Center Achievements Challenges
- iCloud Support
- 3 different game modes
- Freeplay mode after masteringtrack
- 3 difficulty settings family-friendlyme anyone play
And that's justginning - heaps planned updates keep Bloons TD 5 fresh, fun, challengingmonths come.w's time popme Bloons!
Remember save iCloud after each victory purchase saver progress.
Requires 3GS minimum, course optimized iPhone 5 iPoduch 5.
iPad versionw available - check out Bloons TD 5 HD!
What's New
Its that special time year againcool mystery parcel arrived village. However, Bloons have managedtercept delivery have sealed giftspecial bow. Monkeys having difficulty unwrappingy needr help. Whatsside?'s awesome,you have popbunch bloons find out!
Indersistr mission weve addedbrand new track,rth Pole.ginner track also available co-op mode. holiday perfect time try out co-op matches friends.
F holidays, village alsoen givenlick festive cheer,'s that spirit that we want say thanksofplayers. We sincerely appreciater timer feedback, we'llveryst keep bringing awesome updatesnew gamesr way.